Additional activities

Student representatives

Over the past years, input from students in the programme has proven to be extremely valuable. The success of the Master’s programme is maintained by ensuring that the students’ voices are heard and by giving them a say in how the programme should be organised. This is enforced by the Board of Student Representatives, who meet with the coordinators of the Master’s programme every other month.

Both tracks are represented by four students, two first-year and two second-year students. These students form the link between the coordinators and the students. They make sure that problems or suggestions brought forward by any of the Master’s students will be confidentially discussed and addressed.

Mind the Brain symposium

The Mind the Brain symposium is an annual event organised by students of the Neuroscience and Cognition programme. The symposium consists of student research presentations and inspiring talks given by international keynote speakers. Aside from giving students a chance to present their internship research, it also offers a small group of students the unique opportunity to learn the skills of organising a scientific event, from putting together an attractive scientific programme to organising lunch and drinks afterwards.

Each year, the keynote speakers present research related to a specific theme. However, the symposium would not be complete without the contributions of our students, and with topics ranging from cellular neuroscience to experimental psychology and from genetics to brain imaging, there will be something of interest for everyone! 

More information on the Mind the Brain symposium can be found at the website:

Journal of Neuroscience and Cognition

The Journal of Neuroscience and Cognition is an internal scientific report, made entirely by the students. It gives students a unique opportunity to learn how to publish during their Master’s education. Two issues are published and distributed among Neuroscience and Cognition students and their supervisors every year. The journal is composed of original research articles and scientific reviews based on the work carried out as part of the internship or Master’s thesis, respectively. These articles are then anonymously peer-reviewed by fellow master students. Finally they are accepted by the Editorial Board of the Journal, who are responsible for creating the different issues.

More information on the Journal of Neuroscience and Cognition can be found at the website: